Bexley North Public School

Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

Telephone02 9554 3306

Learning Support Team

Learning Support Team

Ms Danielle Scott: Principal

Mrs Lauren Davis: Coordinator

Naomi Asakawa: School Counsellor

Ms Olivia Hermon: APCI

The school learning support team plays a key role in ensuring that the specific needs of students with a disability and additional learning and support needs are met.

The team:

·  Supports teachers in identifying and responding to the additional needs of students,

·  Facilitates and coordinates a whole school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student,

·  Coordinates planning processes and resourcing for students with disability and additional learning and support needs,

·  Designs and implements the supports required to build teacher capacity so that all students access quality learning,

·  Develops collaborative partnerships with the school, parents and carers, other professionals, and the wider school community.

School Learning Support Officers

School learning and support officers provide assistance to students with a disability and additional learning and support needs. At Bexley North Public School, SLSOs provide assistance with

·  School routines

·  Classroom activities

·  The care and management of students with disability and additional learning and support needs

·  The delivery and/ or implementation of specific interventions for behaviour, literacy and/ or social emotional learning.


·  Ms Soula Costas

·  Ms Nicky French

·  Ms Linda Jubian

·  Ms Helen Pantazis

·  Ms Francis Smith

·  Ms Kristy Kontalis

School counsellor: Naomi Asakawa

Our school counsellor is based at Bexley North Public School on Wednesdays (even weeks AM only) and Thursdays. School counsellors enhance the work of teachers by:

·  Strengthening the school’s welfare provisions

·   Providing psychological assessment of students with specific needs



Externally Funded Service Providers

Externally funded health, disability and wellbeing service providers may seek to provide their services to students at the school during school hours. Access to the school by an externally funded provider is at the discretion of the principal. Families with children who have NDIS-funded therapies can apply to have therapy delivered at BNPS. The decision to provide time and space for therapies to occur onsite is a joint decision between the learning support team, school Principal, classroom teacher and family. Several factors are considered including the student’s specific needs, available space and the impact of the time out of class on the student’s learning.

Please contact the front office for more information.

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