Bexley North Public School

Respectful, Responsible, Resilient

Telephone02 9554 3306



At Bexley North Public School, we are committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning community that promotes student wellbeing. Preventing and responding to bullying (including cyber-bullying) is a shared responsibility of every school community.

Our Anti-Bullying Plan outlines a timeline of actions that we as a school will undertake as preventative and educative measures. We are always open to feedback from the school community around our anti-bullying plan. Please email us with any feedback that you have regarding our Anti-Bullying Plan at:

If a bullying concern is raised with staff at school, we have steps that are followed to ensure a thorough and fair investigation is conducted. We endeavour to consult and communicate with students and parents throughout the entire process. Reports of student bullying can be made to any staff member at a school. A teacher or school executive staff (such as the principal, deputy principal or assistant principal) at the school will address the reported bullying in a timely manner.

At Bexley North Public School we are responsible, respectful and resilient learners. Please refer to the Behaviour Code for Students in NSW Public Schools for a broad overview of the behavioural expectations in schools.

Further information

Please view the fact sheet that outlines the Features of Bullying Behaviour.

This resource and others can be found at